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Dental Bonding

Dental bonding can be used to help fill gaps and hide cracks in teeth. Our dentists in Boucherville can perform this procedure.

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Dental Bonding, Boucherville Dentist

Close Gaps & Hide Cracks

Do minor chips or cracks in your teeth have you feeling too self-conscious to smile, laugh or speak in public? If you're wondering how you can conceal small gaps and spaces or camouflage discolouration, dental bonding may be for you.

For this procedure - also referred to as composite bonding or teeth bonding - your dentist will choose the appropriate shade of composite resin to help change the shape, size or colour of your smile.

Along with changing the aesthetic appearance of your teeth, dental bonding can make your teeth look longer.

Before recommending this procedure, your dentist will discuss your cosmetic goals with you. They'll also take dental X-rays and examine your teeth and gums to make sure they are healthy enough for dental bonding.

The Bonding Procedure

You usually only need 30 to 60 minutes with your dentist to have a dental bonding procedure completed.

Your dentist will apply an etching solution, then a composite resin that matches the colour of your teeth, to the surface of your tooth to prepare it for bonding.

The composite resin is then molded into shape and hardened in place with a high-intensity curing light.

Why Dental Bonding?

Gaps between your teeth can leave space for bacteria to thrive. Left untreated, an infection can develop and affect the surrounding teeth and jaw.

Dental bonding can also help to hide stubborn stains, or cover chips or cracks that can negatively affect the appearance of your smile.

Your teeth will also be stronger after composite resin is applied, so you can chew all your favourite foods without the fear of cracking or fracturing a tooth.

New Patients Always Welcome

We are accepting new patients! Don't hesitate to contact us and take the first step toward achieving better oral health outcomes.

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